Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

This guy lost this wallet... and got the worst note from the person who found it

“I kept the cash because I needed weed.”


Last week, Reilly Flaherty was at a gig in New York when he lost his wallet. He looked everywhere for it, but sadly there was no sign of it.

A week later, however, he received an anonymous note from the person who found his wallet.

And while that should have been cause for celebration, it really, really wasn’t.

In the note, the person in question explained that he had found the wallet. But instead of actually returning it, he decided to keep the cash (“I needed weed”), his Metro Card and his wallet.

I kept the cash because I needed weed, the metrocard because well the fare’s $2.75 now, and the wallet is kinda cool.


The would-be Good Samaritan did return Flaherty’s credit cards and driver’s licence, but as Flaherty had already had them replaced, it didn’t really matter.

Speaking to Mashable, Flaherty likened the whole scenario to Breaking Bad.

To be honest, I was thinking this person is the Walter White of wallet returning. They start out with seemingly good intentions, but then you quickly realize they’re actually just a villain plagued with an insatiable appetite for MetroCard spending and marijuana-infused subway rides, hurting everyone they love around them.

Lesson? Nobody likes a half-arsed act of kindness.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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