Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 5 March, 2025

Wedding rings found in Wicklow car park 12 years ago returned to owner

One ring to rule them all.

Image: Mrs2B.ie

A PAIR OF wedding rings lost in Wicklow in 2002 have been returned to their owner after 12 years.

They belong to a woman called Catherine who lost them somewhere between changing the oil in car at home and attending a meeting at the health board (now HSE) offices in Wicklow Town.

When she realised the rings (one wedding and one engagement band) were missing that day she couldn’t remember if she’d left them on a window sill at home while washing her hands or put them in her pocket and lost them at some stage throughout the day.

Thanks to the detective work of a good Samaritan, she’s been reunited with them.

They were found in the health board car park and placed in a lost property box, perhaps with the assumption that someone would come looking for them

But nobody did.

They were unearthed from the box recently by a man named Mark Farrell, who noted that they were engraved with initials and a wedding date. Using that information, he was able to track down Catherine and her husband Oran.

God bless us, everyone.

Thanks to Mrs2Be.ie for the lovely story

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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