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9 people who are firmly #TeamFran after tonight's Love/Hate

The sh*t has hit the Fran.


JEEPERS. WE NEED a collective national hug/pint in McGowan’s after tonight’s episode of Love/Hate.

Patrick was the one who broke it to Fran that Nidge was responsible for the pipe bomb attack that took Fran’s wife Linda away from him.

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Ciarán The Garda summed it up nicely when he elected to follow Fran for the afternoon, because “I like Fran, he’s a mad b**tard”. You’re not wrong there Ciarán.

With Fran realising that Nidge’s sh*t does in fact stink to high heaven, he embarked on a crazed and immediate quest for revenge, asking Patrick to sort him out with a gun and some gloves.

Ciarán saves Nidge (and probably Trish and God knows who else) from certain doom when he catches up with Fran and slaps the cuffs on him. Fran manages to throw a few slaps Nidge’s way when the baldy chancer shows up to visit him in prison though. It’s fair to say the pair are no longer pals.

Now, we know what side our bread is buttered on, and for now at least we’re firmly #TeamFran. And we’re not alone…

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Join us tomorrow for our comprehensive Love/Hate episode 2 recap when we’ll be revisiting the state of Janet’s knees and the chance of getting the shift in McGowans. 

All images via RTÉ Player

Which Love/Hate character are you? 

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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