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Love/Hate season finale: 7 questions we want answered

The big issues – and the small ones – that the final episode left hanging. SOMEBODY HELP.

LOVE/HATE FINISHED its season last night, with an episode that took us up and down the M1, through an IRA interrogation centre and finally to the pet shop.

But it also left us asking questions – some big, some small. Almost a million people watched it, so we can’t be alone.

Can you answer them? Leave your ideas – or, you know, more questions – in the comments.

1. Why did Lizzie shave her head?

Other than to provide a handy conundrum for viewers who aren’t good at recognising faces out of context? We’re baffled by this. Is shaving your head before you kill someone a thing?

2. Could Darren survive?

Earlier in the episode, we had Siobhan asking about the logic behind a “minor traumatic brain injury”. Admittedly Darren’s looked pretty major – and there was a LOT of blood – but stranger things have happened on TV.

This is now the second season that’s finished with Darren getting shot.

3. What happened to Debbie?

Last seen relapsing into addiction and stealing from her mother after being given the heave-ho by Tommy, she didn’t make a single appearance in the final episode after featuring heavily in the previous five. She talked about going to rehab in Thailand, but that was probably mostly for her mother’s benefit. So where’s she at?

4. What is Tony’s game?

Tony appears unbothered by the death of Git, and perfectly willing to work with Nidge – who after all is supplying them with valuable arms – as long as he gets a token head. But he’s told hotheaded Dano a rather different story to keep him in line. What’s he really hoping to get out of his little trip to Dublin? He can’t be in it just for the occasional party at the Napper Tandy.

5. Could a macaw survive a night in the cold?

The last thing we want is a repeat of Budgie-gate. If Aido gets lifted again, will his bird be OK?

Frankly, we hope so – he’s enough of a mess as it is.

6. Will Nidge get that hair transplant?

Let’s be fair: his worries about balding are seriously affecting his ability to carry out any sort of organised crime. Will he take the Wayne Rooney route? It would definitely give him the edge over Dano in the (psychologically important) follicle stakes.

7. How many people are left in Nidge’s gang?

He’s put Tommy in a coma and ordered a hit on Darren. Aido seems more worried about his budgie than anything else. Elmo is plainly incompetent. And it’s been a long while since we saw them carry out anything resembling an organised crime. Is Fran the only useful man Nidge has left?

We welcome your input. Or, you know, if writer Stuart Carolan is out there and wants to give us any answers, that would be great. Over here, Mr Carolan!

More: Love/Hate season finale: Killings, prayers and mini macaws>

More: Every episode of Love/Hate season three, recapped on DailyEdge.ie>

Love/Hate parody Twitter accounts: Your essential guide>

PLAY: The Unofficial Love/Hate Drinking* Game>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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