PLAYING TO THOUSANDS at the Aviva Stadium last night, Madonna elected to give her bottom an airing.
She also complained a lot about the rain, according to Twitter users at the gig.
Madge’s tour has been closely followed by neatly manufactured ‘controversies’ thanks to her flexibility with her wardrobe.
An audience in Istanbul was treated to an eyeful of her right breast, while fans in Paris got the left. (Video links NSFW, obviously.)
So perhaps Dublin’s Madge lovers should consider themselves lucky that they got both sides of the Queen of Pop’s throne in this rather schoolboy-ish mooning (Video possibly NSFW, depending on your boss):
However, a certain Today FM presenter wasn’t impressed:
And he continued to be unimpressed until leaving the gig early.
As if that wasn’t enough, the audience at the Aviva Stadium were also treated to one of Dublin’s inimitable downpours. Umbrellas were banned, so they had to just stand in the rain.
Madonna, apparently, had a special man with an umbrella to keep her dry. But it doesn’t seem to have worked:
But not everyone was disappointed:
For those of you interested in the music, this video shows Madge in full flow and complete with umbrella man: