Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 16 March, 2025

Madonna* gets burnt by angry religious group

*Well, not the actual pop icon herself, thankfully, but a poster.

ONLY A FEW weeks ago, Madonna was being sued for putting a swastika over a photo of a French far-right leader on stage, and now the pop icon has only gone and been set on fire for blasphemy.

According to Russia Today, a radical Orthodox group set fire to a poster of the singer (not the actual woman herself, thankfully) in an effort to “drive the demons out”.

The bizarre move came just days after Madge pledged her support for Pussy Riot, who are on trial in Russia.

Members of the Orthodox Standard-bearers Union met across the river from the cathedral where the Pussy Riot women performed their anti-Putin punk prayer.

Leonid Simonovich, the group’s leader, explained:

We are not against her as a person, we are against the sacrilege and blasphemy she is committing, just like we are against the blasphemy performed by Pussy Riot in Christ the Savior Cathedral.
We are going to fight against all such Madonnas, Pussy Riots, and all others who practice black magic and insult the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian nation.

But perhaps the religious group weren’t very used to burning posters of American popstars, as it took a number of attempts to get it aflame.

Madonna doesn’t have to stress too much about the whole denounced-for-blasphemy-thing, as the group have said they’ll accept her repentance if she offers it.

Though we’d advise they don’t hold their breath…


Read: Madonna calls for Pussy Riot pardon>

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