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11 magnificent letters which will make you want to write them again

Come back letter writing! All is forgiven!

THE ART OF letter writing is dying out, and it doesn’t look like there’s going to be any turning back.

It’s a shame really. There is something truly delightful about a letter, in knowing the time the sender took to write and post it, and if you’re lucky, seeing their handwriting.

Lest you’ve forgotten the delight that comes with a good letter, here are 11 magnificent examples to remind you.

This letter from the 84-year-old winner of a radio

52v5T Source: Imgur

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This letter from Roald Dahl to a young dreamer

In 1989, A little girl mailed Roald Dahl a dream - Imgur Source: Imgur

This letter from the morning after a romantic liaison

Epic morning after letter.... - Imgur Source: Imgur

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This letter from J.K. Rowling to a young person who lost her parents to drug abuse

5936591026_6d26f14311_o Source: Herald Net

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This letter from a little girl whose dog had been hit by a car

girl Source: Chzbgr

This letter of apology from F. Scott Fitzgerald to a friend

tea Source: Twitter/LettersofNote

This letter from Royal Mail to one of its customers

Man receives letter for upsetting postman! - Imgur Source: Imgur

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This letter to a child from one of JFK’s advisors on civil rights

letter Source: Twitter/JFK Library

For a larger image click here.

This letter of apology from a circus to an audience member

circus Source: Twitter/LettersofNote

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This letter from Tom Hanks to the hosts of a podcast who’d sent him a gift

8073306013_6e6d0007b0_o Source: Nerdist

For a larger image click here.

This letter from one classmate to another

This girl I know is an elementary school teacher and one of her students wrote this apology letter. - Imgur Source: Imgur

You can now pay for train tickets in Russia with exercise>

A little cute dog climbed Mount Everest>

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