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14 beauty short cuts for exceptionally lazy girls

That’s if you can be bothered to read this…

YOU WANT TO wear a bit of slap but you really just can’t be bothered… we know.

Here are some quick tips.

1. Use tinted moisturiser instead of foundation

Want to not look dead, but the thought of moisturising and waiting for it to dry so you can… hello? Are you still listening?

Get a two in one to use on the early mornings, moisturiser with a hint of coverage.

skin79-golf-pink-orange-swatches-comparison-1024x687 Source: Makeupmonster

2. Ditch the shampoo

Once reserved for festivals, everybody knows about this now. Goodbye, constant washing and blowdrying of the hair. And remember, a good ponytail is your friend.

batistedryshampoo Source: Mischiefmydear

3. If you’re going to get advanced, use sellotape

This is more of one for a night out. Last thing your lazy ass wants to be doing is plastering your face in sellotape in the early am.

Collage3 Source: BlogSpot

4. If you’re confident going at it alone, here’s a quick guide

No skill needed at all.

a53622f24b64ac6fee5f335345ddd25c Source: Pinimg

5. If you’re feeling REALLY brave…

eyelinerguide-550x632 Source: Swatchgirl

6. And if you’re not, at all, multitask with your other tools

CurlandLine1 Source: Beautypointofview

7. Simplify your eyeshadow game

wbz51mt Source: Imgur

8. Nails giving you trouble?

Last thing you want to be doing is getting rid of smudges.

WXkw8xd Source: thefashionistacoach

9. Remove glitter nailpolish without clawing out your eyes

QApBeKf Source: Imgur

10. Line those lips the easy way

pdzvw8U Source: Imgur

11. Sick of carrying around twenty different lotions and potions?

Two words, coconut oil.

Source: Meal Makeover Moms

What is it NOT? You can clean your teeth with it, moisturise, use it on your lips, hair, and even remove makeup with it.

You can cook with it too, if you cook. But you don’t, lazy.

(Other uses include softening your feet, massage oil, and frizz tamer.)

12. Always have a tub of Vaseline

There are SO MANY USES. Take two minutes to find out 50 things.

Source: POPSUGAR Beauty/YouTube

13. Taking it all off

The ultimate symbol of the lazy girl. These, everywhere.

make-up-wipes-dirty Source: flashbacksandecho

You definitely shouldn’t use these every night though, just the ones when you literally can’t stand up to go to the sink.

14. How much should you actually be using?

Let this guide be your… guide.

kVbsAJl Source: Imgur

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