THERE COMES A time in most teen’s lives when they think they have it all figured out and don’t need or want any parental guidance anymore.
One mum, Estella Havisham, was fed up with her 13-year-old son Aaron’s nonsense, as the teen made money from YouTube and started to think he called the shots.
Her letter, putting him in his place, has gone viral over the past few days.
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Since you seem to have forgotten that you are only 13 and I’m the parent and that you won’t be controlled, I guess you will need to learn a lesson in independence. Also, as you threw in my face that you are making money now, it will be easier to buy back all the items I bought for you in the past.
She also went on to include an estimated bill, and obligations he would have to fulfill to live in her home.
The letter has been liked almost 100,000 times and shared over 163,000 times since it was posted.
In response to the letter, Havisham said her son took the message on board, as it was all about that, and not to make him contribute financially.
Writing on Facebook, she said:
Later, that same night, he came back into my room and sat on the foot of my bed and asked if we could talk. He wanted to know how he could earn things back.
The single mum–who uses a pseudonym as she is a survivor of domestic abuse–also hit back at the mixed response online, claiming that she wasn’t trying to publically shame her son, and that a harmless post to family and friends accidentally went viral.