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People are loving this guy busting a move to the BBC News theme tune, live on BBC News


bbcdancer Source: Twitter/@BBCNews

PEOPLE WATCHING BBC News earlier got something a little different

Earlier this week, a street dancer was spotted busting a move to the BBC News theme tune in London’s Leicester Square.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

(Who hasn’t had a little boogie to the BBC news theme, in fairness. Just us? OK.)

A video of his routine went viral after Polish journalist Jakub Krupa posted it on Twitter, and the man was later identified as dancer Corville Cuffy.

In response, the BBC did something very sound – they invited him on the BBC News channel, played the theme tune, and let him dance away to close out the show:

Source: Jon Harvey/YouTube

Cuffy said he’d been “doing it for years” because it’s the last song people would expect him to dance to. He’s got that right, anyway.

bbcdancer Source: YouTube

The segue was unexpected, but warmly welcomed:

bbcdance Source: Twitter/@LornaHarkin

bbcdancing Source: Twitter/@cafebabel_ENG

Just the kind of joyful thing we love to see of a Friday evening. God bless us, every one!

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