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This guy is offering over €9,000 if you can find him a girlfriend

Outsourcing your dating.

Image: dateren

SO YOU’RE SINGLE and alone. How much are you willing to spend to change that?

A 29-year-old lad in Birmingham, Alabama, is offering to cough up $10,000 (just over €9,100) to anyone who can find him his perfect match.

Meet Ren Lu You. He set up a whole website dedicated to the chase. People are free to submit their friends and family as candidates, and you’ll get the sweet cash if he’s still seeing them in six months.

According to Buzzfeed, Ren says the whole idea behind it is to speed up the inefficient dating process. DateRen.com has only been up a week, but he’s said he’s already seen a rake of submissions.

People who submit themselves are not eligible for the cash, obviously. You has already been on some dates, and says he doesn’t mind spending the cash.

People are willing to pay a huge amount of money for a lot of things that are a lot less important.

The website itself contains some pretty solid endorsements:


He also states that he has a BA and an MBA, likes the Shawshank Redemption (who doesn’t lad?), Game of Thrones, Pushing Daisies and playing boardgames.

There’s a short criteria candidates must live up to:

  • Intellectually curious (about the rules to a new board game, random stuff on Wikipedia, etc.)
  • Finds it fun to think about ridiculous hypotheticals
  • Physically active
  • Thinks take-out and a movie sound like a good Saturday night
  • Knows the difference between “Astronomy” and “Astrology”

Don’t forget, as he says, the “obligatory photos of me to reassure you that I’m not a Nigerian prince, strong AI, or two midgets in a trenchcoat”.

603546_10100613691344436_1932862277_n_sv4wxr Source: dateren

DSC_0287_cuifmn Source: dateren

Seems legit. Wonder if he’d be open to something long distance…

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