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Man orders 150 of his favourite pizzas... from a store 1400 miles away

David Schuler just couldn’t find a good slice in his home state.

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Image: Pat Wellenbach/AP/Press Association Images

A MISSISSIPPI MAN who grew up in Massachusetts goes to great lengths for a good pizza… about 1,400 miles.

David Schuler returned to Jackson, Mississippi, last weekend with 150 pizza pies from Town Spa Pizza, a restaurant in his home town of Stoughton, just outside Boston.

It’s a tradition he started years ago when he couldn’t find a good slice in Mississippi. He returned with 150 frozen, vacuum-sealed pies. That was a record for him. They cost $1,200.

He made the 16-state trek in 24 hours, munching on Town Spa pizzas he kept on the passenger seat.

Restaurant manager Kerry Hughes tells The Enterprise of Brockton he ships pizzas as far as California and Florida, but Schuler is his best out-of-state customer.

About the author:

Associated Foreign Press

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