LAST FRIDAY, JONATHAN Galunas was walking down a street in New York City when he crossed paths with Rihanna.
Did he play it cool? Absolutely not. After all, this is Rihanna we’re talking about.
*takes out earphone* RIHANNA, IS THAT YOU?
A few days ago, Twitter user @chronicdrews unearthed the photo and shared it on Twitter where it was retweeted over 26,000 times.
And everyone was like, “Same.”
And a few days ago, Galunas discovered that he had become a giant internet meme.
He had a back-and-forth with the person who shared the meme and wrote that he didn’t expect to be in any of the photos they took of her.
Sees Rihanna on the street one day, becomes an internet meme the next day.
What a life.