A MAN IN NEW York City has spent more than $60,000 in lawyers’ fees trying to win custody of his dog after his ex-girlfriend took the pet to California.
Thirty-four-year-old Craig Dershowitz told the New York Post that he’s gone through his life savings but it’s worth it.
Dershowitz considers his dog, Knuckles, his “son.”
In papers filed earlier this year in Manhattan state Supreme Court, Dershowitz said ex-girlfriend Sarah Brega “kidnapped” Knuckles after they broke up.
Brega says Dershowitz gave her the puggle pup — half pug, half beagle.
The Post says Dershowitz has started a website to raise money for the custody fight. For $250, contributors can “play fetch with Knuckles.”
The drive is off to a slow start. Dershowitz raised $85 in the first week.