Dublin: 10 °C Wednesday 19 February, 2025

Man gets stuck in lift with the one person you DON'T want to get stuck in a lift with

The most intense man alive.

GETTING TRAPPED IN a lift is a lot of people’s idea of a nightmare.

Getting stuck in a lift with one of the most intense, angry man alive is a whole new level of nightmare, which is precisely what happened to this guy.

Nick Nerv uploaded the incident to YouTube and captured his elevator neighbour yelling, cursing and just generally making the incident much worse than it needed to be.

Source: Nick Nerv/YouTube

The whole thing is super intense, but the uploader maintains his cool. Warning: it may make you hyper fearful of ever getting trapped in a lift.

Part 1] and Part 3 of the incident can be viewed here and here, respectively.

9 drunk people trapped in a lift make the best of the situation >

Jon Snow got stuck in the Channel 4 lift >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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