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Teenager who got tattoo of McDonald's receipt gets ANOTHER ONE

A warning: His new tattoo is just as bad.

REMEMBER THAT GUY who got a McDonald’s receipt tattooed on his arm? Like an actual, permanent tattoo of a fast food receipt, which will be on his body forever?

He’s after getting ANOTHER ONE.

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According to ABC News, 18-year-old Stian Ytterdahl from Norway went under the tattoo needle again just one week after he got the McDonald’s receipt inked on his arm.

What design did he choose this time? 

The receipt for the McDonald’s receipt tattoo. His explanation? “#YOLO.”

receipttattoo2 Source: Facebook/Stian Yttendahl

This whole thing really is an exercise in #YOLO.

Since he got his first inking, Ytterdahl has set up a Facebook ‘like’ page for himself with the name ‘Stian Ytterdahl – The Man with the McDonald’s Tattoo’.

So he’s happy enough with it, then.

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Here’s the hilarious slap from Monkey Planet everyone was talking about last night>

The @GardaTraffic lads are still having some fun>

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