A MAN BORN with two penises has done a Reddit Ask Me Anything post.
The mas was born with a congenital defect called “diphallia”, giving him two penises. And, yes – both are entirely functional.
In every aspect.
Redditors descended on the man some described as a “god” in order to ask him questions about his unusual bit of kit. The user, calling himself Double Dick Dude, posted three photographs of his condition to verify that he really does have double the pants dance equipment.
He reveals he sometimes used to just “surprises a partner” with them, but that he did this more in his teens. He says people’s reactions were “priceless”. Nowadays, however, only his intimate partners in life would be aware of his condition.
Double Dick Dude says he “always knew he had an extra one. My mom told me the other boys only have one, so I was special.”
He does admit one problem, saying that he “generally avoids” public bathrooms and uses a cubicle instead of a wall urinal if possible because his upfrock package garners “stares”.
And as for the most-asked question? Well, he isn’t single. Not one to do things by halves, Double Dick Dude is in fact monogamously dating both a man and a woman.
Truly apt.