IT WAS WHAT so many had been waiting for at Electric Picnic.
The iconic Maniac 2000 was belted out by Mark McCabe - and it went down pretty well with the Stradbally crowd:
If the clip doesn’t play, watch it in full here.
If the clip doesn’t play, watch it in full here.
Needless to say, the crowd went mad for it
Some people had been waiting for this exact moment
Pure nostalgia
Those watching at home had a slightly less positive review though
The RTÉ coverage didn’t have the best sound apparently
But for those there, they were loving it
The sheer noise of it all
Like Maniac 2000 wasn’t going to go down well
This video on Facebook shows the full song – and the crowd absolutely loving it.
Preach it
It went down so well, McCabe came back for seconds
Yeah yeah, funky yeah.