RUNNING A MARATHON is not easy, as a lot of Dubliners would have found out last weekend. It’s not easy to run, nevermind take selfies during.
The New York marathon is 26.2 miles, and Kelly Roberts ran it yesterday. So why is she getting so much attention today?
Look at these selfies she took in pursuit of finding the perfect marathon boyfriend.
Her first selfie, with a guy dressed as Tom Cruise in Risky Business, was captioned:
Who’s ready to play my all time favorite game#baesofthenycmarathon?!?!?!?! Let’s find a boyfriend!
This guy didn’t look too interested
Serious beard work here
Sweaty face? Check. Chin dimple? Check
Is she even running anymore?
Mile eighteen and she’s still on baewatch. What a woman
She even managed to get one last bae in her victory shot
On completion, she wrote:
My body hurts so much right now but my heart couldn’t be happier. I did it. I fucking did it. Screw looking for a boyfriend, I’ll take this PB any day.
As founder of Run, Selfie, Repeat, Kelly believes that everyone can and should fall in love with sweating, regardless of their fitness level and aims to inspire others to run marathons.
Roberts pulled a similar stunt during a half marathon last year, and while she went viral she was criticised by some who asked would it be so amusing if the gender roles were reversed.