Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

This couple went straight from their wedding to the polling station today

Going to the polling station, gonna cast vo-oh-oh-ote…

TODAY’S A SPECIAL day for Ann Cole and Vincent Fox… their wedding day.

Newly Weds Vote in Referendum-1 Source: PAUL SHARP

It’s also a special day for them for another reason too though – the chance to cast their vote in the marriage equality referendum.

They made their way from the registry office on Grand Canal Street in Dublin, before heading to a polling station on Basin Street Lower in Dublin 8 to vote.

Newly Weds Vote in Referendum-3 (1) Source: PAUL SHARP

Newly Weds Vote in Referendum-6 (1) Source: PAUL SHARP

Newly Weds Vote in Referendum-5 (1) Source: PAUL SHARP

Newly Weds Vote in Referendum-7 (2) Source: PAUL SHARP

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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