THEY HAD SNOW idea of the mess they were about to make. SNOW IDEA.
Excited by rare trio of snowstorms in the US city of Portland, two Reed University students began assembling a massive snowball on the campus quad.
Urged by a gathering crowd, they rolled it along a path beside a dorm, in order to make it as big as possible. And then, according to a college spokesperson:
The ball just got away from them.
In a moment that couldn’t have ever been predicted by anyone, the students lost control of their creation, which rolled into the dorm and knocked in part of a bedroom wall.
Thankfully no one was hurt, but it’ll cost between $2,000 and $3,000 to fix the damage.
A maintenance worker who cut up the snowball to remove it estimated it to weigh about 800 pounds – that’s over 57 stone, or the weight of a motorcycle. Damn.
According to the university, the students responsible will not be disciplined, as they didn’t intend to cause damage and “feel awful” about what happened.
This is why we can’t have nice things, people.