Wish you could still wake up to his or her face every morning?
Well, now you can… kind of.
Dating website Match.com is offering users the chance to use facial recognition technology to find a mate who looks like your ex.
For the princely sum of $5,000 (around €3,670) you can avail of the face matching service, as well as a six month membership and consultations with a dating coach.
Newsweek reports that Match.com has paired up with a company called Three Day Rule to provide the facial recognition service. Three Day Rule says that using the technology helps them to narrow the database of potential matches.
Staff at the Washington Post have actually tried it out for themselves and described the results as “uncanny”.
Of course, Match.com aren’t the only ones taking advantage of computers that can recognise your fizzog.
- Facebook uses facial recognition to recognise the same person’s face in two different photos, creepily asking you if you want to tag people the second you upload an image.
- The technology is also used as a security measure in some residential buildings and workplaces.
- Our own Social Welfare Claimants face facial recognition to determine their identity.