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The great story of a Mayo man going above and beyond with a lovely Harry Potter proposal


MirrorOfErised_PM_B1C12M3_HarryInFrontOfTheMirrorOfErised_Moment Source: Pottermore

HARRY POTTER FANS will know all about the Mirror of Erised.

When looking into it, it shows the “deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts” – and Shane from Mayo used it as a prop for a rather delightful proposal at the Harry Potter studio tour in London late last year.

You see, his now fiancée Edel is a massive Potter fan, and her sister Rachel tells DailyEdge.ie that she insisted on going to the Harry Potter studio when they were in London:

Shane brought her for a break away to London and she dragged him to Harry Potter world. He’s not that into Harry Potter and all of us at home were like ‘poor Shane being dragged along’.

But when they were at Platform 9 and 3/4, Shane enlisted the help of a bystander to get a “photo” of the pair in front of The Hogwarts Express

Source: edel golden/YouTube

Turns out he was paying attention to all this Harry Potter stuff down the years.

Because the engagement ring box was a handmade Mirror of Erised

edel3 Source: Rachel Keavney

And when Edel pressed a little button, their picture and the ring was revealed

edel2 Source: Rachel Keavney

“I show not your face but your heart’s desire. Marry me Edel!”

edel Source: Rachel Keavney

Well played.

It wasn’t an easy thing to come by either, as Rachel says:

He got it handmade in America off a company that specialises in ring boxes costing over €600.

Dedication to the Potter cause.

Edel wouldn’t have it any other way <3

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About the author:

David Elkin

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