EVERYONE WHO HAS ever sampled the delights of the McDonald’s McFlurry ice cream will have commented on the spoon.
Look at it there. It’s big, hollow, and square
Which makes some people think it’s a sort of ice cream straw contraption
It’s baffled a good few people down the years, but now we finally have the answer as to why
Yes, the internet has discovered the TRUE reason for the shape of the McFlurry spoon.
Tumblr user The Waiting Platypus explained all:
as someone who worked at mcdonald’si can tell you that:
we fill the cup with ice cream, we dump the oreos on top, we stick the spoon in, we put the entire thing in a machine and use the spoon to stir your mcflurry
They then included this picture of the McFlurry spoon in action
So now. The answer that has plagued McDonald’s McFlurry lovers for years has been answered.
Nobody will ever be confused by the big, square spoon again.