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9 memories from the first day back to primary school

Time of our lives.

MOST OF THE kiddies are headed back to school today after a long long summer.

Every parent in Ireland right now is pretty much like this:


The first day back is always both the best and the worst day of school, and it always went the same way.

1. Getting your photo taken

This is the cleanest you will look all year so you better believe your parents will attempt to preserve the moment.


9Mdsm4D A first and last day of school. Source: Imgur

2. Your uniform scratching and shoes hurting

You’ll get USED TO THEM, so says your mam. Sure didn’t you put your feet in the little measuring thing?

20352422_A_p Source: Clarks

All you know is, you didn’t sign up for this torture.

What looks like this:

1312275873-96034900 Source: Paulsdiscount

Feels like this, after a summer of cotton t-shirts:

stinging-nettle Source: Mooseyscountrygarden

3. Being SO excited to see your friends

It’s been almost THREE MONTHS. What wonders have they seen during this eternity?

Will you get to sit beside one of them this year? Only time will tell.


4. Everything being so new

Classroom, teacher, or, the NEW STUDENT. The holy grail. You’re going to be befriend them first, and that’s that.


5. Writing your name, class, age and every other personal detail about yourself inside your new books

Smell the new books, smell them.

textbooks Source: Iwatchlive

At the end of the year they’d be like this:

treasuryofenglish-432x500 Source: ThePaddy.ie

6. Being worried you might have forgotten how to write over the summer

When you thought about it, you hadn’t written anything in ages.

EnZ5ugG Source: Imgur

7. Getting a savage lunch

Mam did the big shop with back-to-school in mind and now you have everything you wanted and more. Iced gems! Capri Suns! PRINGLES. It never lasts though, so this time was always cherished.

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8. Writing an essay about what you did over the summer

Everyone would then stand up and read it out for all to judge, because doing real lessons on the first day back is just unheard of. You just knew Aisling with the hair-braid went to Spain or something, again. Show-off.

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9. Comparing new supplies with everyone else

You agonised over their selection for weeks but once you see another kid’s massive art case you regret everything. Everything.

If you’re lucky they’ll let you ‘use one’.

This lovely video perfectly captures the first day of school>

Little boy adorably comforts girl on their first day of school>

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