THE DARWIN AWARD is awarded every year to people who have managed to get themselves removed from the gene pool in the most idiotic way possible.
A few examples of previous winners include a man who tested a jacket he believed to be knife proof while wearing it, and two men who were killed while trying to take a selfie with an elephant in Kenya.
British researchers recently found by analysing data from the Darwin Awards that men are more likely to take stupid risks than females are. The British Medical Journal published the study, which found that 88.7% of the award recipients were male.
To break that down, out of 318 verified Darwin Awards stories, 282 were awarded to males, 36 to women, and 14 to a combination of both.
81 awards had not been verified.
Whle the paper notes newsworthy or selection bias (women may be more likely to nominate men) and may directly correlate to alcohol consumption rates, the bottom line is undeniable. Men take more stupid risks than women.
As the paper says:
According to “male idiot theory” (MIT) many of the differences in risk seeking behaviour, emergency department admissions, and mortality may be explained by the observation that men are idiots and idiots do stupid things.