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Women everywhere are rolling their eyes at this deeply dumb stat about men and the pill

Turns out 52% of men need a refresher course in sex ed.

BEWARE: THIS MAY cause you to pull a muscle from all the eye rolling.

A nonpartisan polling firm PerryUndem recently carried out a poll to ascertain American voters’ positions on reproductive rights.

Among their findings? 52% of men don’t believe that they have “benefitted personally from any women in your life having access to affordable birth control”.


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Needless to say, that statistic caused eye rolling, spontaneous head explosions and general exasperation.

Because apparently the only person that has to deal with and take responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy is a woman.

It’s not like the man had anything to do with it.

lads Source: AlohafromAloha/Twitter

The pill? That’s for womenfolk. Nowt to do with me.

Reminder: every time that you have recreational sex with a woman on the pill and she doesn’t end up pregnant, you have personally benefited from her having access to contraception!

You hear that, 52% of men? Or do we need to go through the birds and the bees again?

(Yes, we see you, 48% of men. This isn’t directed at you.)

And if you really feel that you haven’t benefitted from women being on contraception, may we kindly ask that you accept that maybe, just maybe, this isn’t about you?

Thanking you,

100% of women

y2sh Source: Twitter

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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