IT’S INTERNATIONAL MEN’S Day today, so we’re here to tell you that we feel your pain, men.
The struggle is real. Too real.
1 Being asked to kill spiders when you’re actually afraid of spiders
Spiders, looking at you with their eyes on stalks and their hairy knees. What’s NOT to be afraid of?
2. Fiddly piddling
3. More fiddly piddling
4. Deciphering the meaning of “I’m fine” or “no, it’s grand”
Is it really fine? Is she really grand? Can you go about your business or is there about to be An Incident?
5. The great urinal etiquette debacle
No crowding, no talking, no looking to the side. So many rules. And what if this happens?…
6. Your junk sticking where it has no business sticking
7. Fashion faux pas
8. Shaving, shaving, the interminable shaving
Men of Ireland, share your problems with us….