Dublin: 5 °C Tuesday 11 February, 2025

Met Éireann's Joanna Donnelly clapped back at a man for telling her she needed a haircut

Seriously though.

MET ÉIREANN’S JOANNA Donnelly posted a lovely photo of herself on Twitter this week in anticipation of the heatwave.

Source: @JoannaDonnelly1/Twitter

Having a lovely one.

Naturally, because she’s a woman and because in the public eye, she’s often met with trolls on Twitter. Usually male ones, obviously. Years of conditioning will do that to people y’know – make them feel entitled.

Anyway, Joanna wasn’t haven’t any of it this time around. A man took issue with her hair and suggested she get a haircut.

haircut Source: @jim_rossiter/Twitter

Joanna decided to let him off initially, explaining that haircuts are considerably pricier for women.

haircut2 Source: @JoannaDonnelly1/Twitter


To which this guy decided to reply …

menhair Source: @jim_rossiter/Twitter

Hmm. Good question! Luckily, Joanna has the answer for you.

joanna Source: @JoannaDonnelly1/Twitter


giphy (1) Source: World Of Wonder

Moral of the story, the next time you feel like commenting on a women’s appearance – don’t.

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