Crazy for feeling so blue. Well, if you’re feeling blue and in the mood for something crazy, then you’re in the right place. We can make you get up to get down, cheer your spirits – and how?
Through the medium of strange news stories. Get ready.
Players on the Mexican World Cup team have been banned from eating delicious beef. Apparently meat has been contaminated with the performance-enhancing drug clenbuterol, which could give false positive on doping tests. What dope contaminated the meat. Eh? Eh? (Washington Post)
Car thieves returned a baby that was in a vehicle they stole. The victims were just briefly unloading furniture from their SUV when the opportunistic Florida thieves swooped. They took the 10-month-old but then realised and dropped it back – keeping the car. For second, it was almost a kidnapping. Although hopefully the kid WAS napping. Get it? Zing. Oh, us. (Yahoo! Odd News)
King Richard III is to be laid to rest in Leicester. The city has come out on top for the battle of the bones, which were found in 2012 underneath a car park. A group of distant relatives (presumably not the ones in Buckingam Castle, ho ho) wanted the bones up in York, a city with which he had strong ties. Three judges ruled that the government was correct in laying the king to rest in Leicester. (AP)
A school that institute a “pay to pee” rule has enraged parents. The school, in Washington, employs a teacher who was accused of going too far by asking students to fork over their Monopoly play money (earnt for good behaviour) in exchange for bathroom access. Two parents complained that his led to their children wetting themselves due to not being able to afford the toilet. Does this teacher work for Ryanair? There were talks of this on planes not too long ago. (ABC News)
There’s a craze in Japan for looking at hamster’s little bums. More than 40,000 copies of “hamuketsu” have been sold and the publisher of the craze has set up a Facebook page dedicated to furry hamster buns. You know what? Only God can judge you, Japan. Keep on keeping on with the hamster ass thing. (BBC News)
A man who stole a bread truck went on to actually make deliveries with it. And he was only wearing his underwear. ”The bread was left somewhere. Where I don’t know,” said the New York bakery owner. “He dropped a lot of bread.” Apparently the semi-nude bread-based Robin Hood dropped the loaves at random businesses. (AP)
Hey you! Yes, you. You! Spotted any bizarre news in your local area? Let us know on pretty please with a cherry on top. Yeow!