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11 reasons Michael Flatley is just a boring Irish lad at heart

He may own rhinoceros horns, but he’s really just one of the lads. Here’s the evidence.

MICHAEL FLATLEY MAY have a giant mansion stuffed with precious rhino horns, but it’s not all glam.

At heart he’s just a regular, standard-issue Irish lad.

Here’s the proof:

1. He only owns one pair of Good Jeans

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Source: Photocall

2. He sometimes loves to give it loads on ‘big fish little fish cardboard box’

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

3. He doesn’t know what to do with his face in photos

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

4. So he overcompensates by being ‘gas’

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

5. He appreciates literature, but in all honesty he’s a bit puzzled by it at times

Michael Flatley Visits James Joyce exhibition Source: Graham Hughes/Photocall Ireland!

6. He had a deeply regrettable haircut in the 1990s

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Sure didn’t we all?

7. He’s very proud of his road frontage

Why else would he casually drop a mention of “my mile-long driveway” into this interview?

Source: michaelflatley.com

8. And when he got married, he had a giant country wedding and invited everyone

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

And sure didn’t the bride look lovely? She did.

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

9. He sometimes pops his collar when he’s feeling big

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

10. He has two pairs of shoes: his regular shoes and his Work Shoes.

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

11. And finally: he cares about Irish history, but has a slightly shaky idea of what actually happened

As evidenced by this recreation of the 1916 Rising through the medium of Irish dance.

Source: halmayg23 via @urchinette

Few pints later Michael, you game? Grand.

More: People are not impressed by Michael Flatley’s rhino horn>

6 reasons why you should jump at the chance to be in Riverdance>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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