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Michelle Obama joins Pinterest; shows Barack skimming stones

Candid moments in the US First Couple’s life revealed on online pinboard – just in time for presidential campaign time…

THE FIRST LADY of the US has added another digital string to her bow: she’s just joined Pinterest.

Fresh from mastering Twitter (okay, fresh from tweeting some items and letting Obama 2012 campaign staff tweet the rest), President Barack Obama’s wife has created an account for herself on the popular online pinboard. (Okay, Obama 2012 campaign staff have created the account and she signs off on some items with -mo).

So what’s she got up there so far? Three categories called Around the White House, Great memories and Father’s Day, with a total of 15 images posted.

The first category shows her tending the White House vegetable garden, practising yoga with the Biggest Loser contestants and playing tug of war in an official reception room.

The second has the family playing in the snow, a quiet moment on inauguration day, the family’s 2011 official portrait and two pictures of Michelle and Barack in 1992, one of which is on their wedding day:

The third pinboard has cuddly pics of family matters, most notably of Barack playing with their children Malia and Sasha. And in a personal pin from Michelle, she notes: “The list of life skills passed along includes many things, even skipping rocks.” We call it skimming stones here, Michelle, but hey, we agree it’s a cute picture…

Read: Michelle Obama joins Twitter, hits 1,000 followers in an hour>

Read: Barack Obama has joined Pinterest (and posted the Obama family chilli recipe)>

So, what exactly is Pinteret? (And why is everyone paying attention to it?)

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