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Everyone is taking the piss out of this cringey email from Microsoft to its 'bae interns'

It contains the phrase “hella noms”. *dies*

IF YOU WANT to see a textbook example of the ‘How do you do, fellow kids?’ meme, look no further.

giphy Source: Giphy

Earlier this week, Twitter user Patrick Burtchaell posted an email his roommate (a Microsoft intern) received from a company recruiter the other day.

To start with, the email greets the recipients with a cheery “HEY BAE INTERN! <3″

Shudder… But it gets worse. So much worse.

Oh. Oh no.

  • “Hella noms”
  • “Lots of dranks”
  • “The best beats”
  • “Hell yes to getting lit on a Monday night!”

Britney-Spears-Cringe-Face Source: Gifrific

Needless to say, the email is getting thoroughly roasted on Twitter:

A spokesperson for Microsoft told Buzzfeed that the email was “poorly worded” and “not in keeping with our values as a company”.

As those darn millenials would say: Zero chill.

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