DURING LAST YEAR’S US Presidential campaign, Mike Pence said that the Supreme Court decision legalising abortion in all 50 States would be “consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs.”
Following Trump’s election and based on Pence’s comments, a movement began where people would donate to Planned Parenthood – the nonprofit that provides reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions every year – in the Vice President’s name.
And this week Mila Kunis revealed that she was one of them
Speaking on Conan O’Brien’s show, Mila told everyone about her own little “peaceful protest” against Pence’s views on abortion:
“It’s not so much a prank as I disagreed with some of the stuff that Pence was doing and was trying to do and so as a reminder that there are women out there in the world that may or may not agree with his platform, I put him on a list of reoccurring donations that are made in his name to Planned Parenthood”
“Every month, to his office, he gets a little letter that says ‘an anonymous donation has been made in your name’”
“I don’t look at it like a prank, I strongly disagree and this is my little way of showing it”
Genius, in its own way.
She’s playing the long game on this one, you feel.