IF YOU ARE a bit of a perfectionist, prepare to feel very very uneasy.
All photos collected from the excellent subreddit mildlyinfuriating.
1. WHY
2. Again, WHY?
3. This is not a joke. Do you think this is a joke?
4. Way to ruin our lives
5. Everyone around us is a lunatic
6. Evil takes a physical form
7. There is no justice in this world. Make your peace with that now
8. We don’t want it. We don’t care. Take it back
9. This can’t be real life
10. How could people be so cruel?
11. It’s off-centre and we can never unsee it now. We’re ruined. Go on without us
12. Imagine you just bit into the right? What then?
14. Whoever built Tetris this display has a lot to answer for
15. Or laid this carpet. You will pay for your sins
16. But this. This is the work of the true face of evil