1. When the top of these trees didn’t touch
2. When this bug on the windshield made it look like it was about to terrorise the town
3. The time the sun hit just the bowl of this jacks, giving it a god-like presence
4. When a perfectly-sized cloud formed over each of these islands
5. When a combination of ice and leaves created this deer
6. When the frost had the perfect outline of a house the next morning
7. The rock formation that totally looks like a ship
8. When this leaf was perfectly split into three colours
And not too far off being a decent little Irish flag.
9. When the paint on the palette created a tiny little forest
10. When the toothpaste took the form of an actual tooth
11. When this ivy developed into the shape of a tree
12. When a full potato was found in a bag of crisps
Thanks, universe.
13. When this person was prompted to verify himself, and got the same two words… which were both “same”
14. The time this car grew a snow moustache over night
15. And finally… the time this Kit Kat had solid chocolate all the way through
*plays X-Files music*
With thanks to the wonderful r/mildlyinteresting subreddit.