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Miley Cyrus made her freshly-removed wisdom tooth into a necklace, as you do

She’s just bein’ Miley.

LAST YEAR, MILEY Cyrus collaborated with designer Jeremy Scott on an accessory line, called Dirty Hippie.

It consisted mostly of random plastic craft items hot-glued together – but now Miley has branched out into using more, er, organic materials.

Last Wednesday, the singer had all four of her wisdom teeth removed (no craic, we will concede) and, being Miley Cyrus, Instagrammed a gnarly picture of the teeth.

SAVE ME. FUCKING MIZZY. Source: mileycyrus

R. I . P Source: mileycyrus

Most people would have probably waved bye-bye to them straight away, but Miley has plans for these teeth – she’s making them into jewellery for her pals.

This particular necklace is going to The Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne:

Made Meeeeesahhhh @waynecoyne5 #dirtyhippie necklace with my realllll life tooooof in it Source: mileycyrus

“Made Meeeesahhhh @waynecoyne5 a #dirtyhippie necklace with my realllll life toooooof in it,” she wrote. “That’s some exclusive a$$.”

She’s not the first popstar with a fondness for toothy jewellery – in 2014 Kesha famously asked fans to give her their teeth to “make art with” while she was in rehab.


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