WE’VE ALL SEEN the rise of the fancy milkshake in 2015, like the Australian ones above that the internet obsessed over earlier in the summer.
Well, photographer Alana Dimou has had enough with it. So she created these excellent parodies:
The milkshake trend in Australia has got so ridiculous that she needed to step in with some well-timed rippings.
Alana is a photographer for Broadsheet in Australia and just couldn’t handle them any more, as she explains:
Donuts perched upon mason jars, Kit-Kats wedged like an unholy crucifix: Heavy handled jars of flavoured milk are spewing from so many cafes in pure copycat style, each establishment attempting to outdo the last, to outplay the originals who rightly hold the claim to fame.
The next logical step was the burger thrown on there
The guys at Broadsheet know where the inspiration came from anyway:
Today it’s a Nutella doughnut topping your jar of dairy, tomorrow it’s a leg of lamb, next week? It could be your first-born child. If we’ve learned anything about social-media trends, it only ends once pushed to its most ridiculous point – one that light and parody cannot escape.
And the final piece of the parody was the full chicken
Dublin’s own new sweet cafe makes up some delicious-looking milkshake combinations, but we’ve hardly hit a peak here for the ridiculousness.
But that day will surely come. And we can look back on this wonderful piss take with fondness.