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What's the best prank to drive somebody bonkers?

Paperclips, glitter – some ideas to torment your fellow human beings?

WHAT’S THE BEST way to drive somebody round the bend?

It might be a hated co-worker. It might be a beloved family member. It really doesn’t matter.

Recently, the good people of Reddit came up with some devious ways to toy with your acquaintances’ sanity. Here are some of their finest ideas – what can you come up with?

1. The Paperclip


Photo copy a paperclip a hundred or so times, out them back in the drawer so when ever it’s used, the documents have a paperclip on it. My office went nuts. Took it apart trying to find the paperclip “stuck” in the machine. Even called in a technician.

- moosehairunderwear

2. The Cuff


My favorite was the person that sewed someone’s sleeve button a little closer every few weeks so the guy felt his arms were swelling.
- diegojones4

3. The Glitter


Every morning, I would take some glitter and pour some into my roommate’s pants pockets while he was out of the room. [...] All day he (like everybody else on earth) would put his hands in his pockets to get his phone, keys, or just casually, thereby transferring a little glitter to his hands. He would then touch his shirt, pants, and/or face at some point.

For two weeks people would tell him that he had glitter on him, but he was never able to figure out where it was coming from.

4. The Lasagne


I would intentionally mispronounced lasagna all the time in front of my brother, pronouncing it LaZ-ZAG-nei. He’d correct me every time then eventually gave up. Then one day he says, “Want LaZ-ZAG-nei for lunch?”, to which I reply “Its pronounce Lasagna”. I’ve never seen his eyes twitch so much…

- zuperstar

5. The Spoon


Dude at work was complaining that his spoons were slowly disappearing from the lunch room. He had brought 6 to work and he was down to 2 [...] Every time someone sent him an email, at the bottom, in white text (i.e. invisible unless highlighted), everyone would write “SPOON SPOON SPOON SPOON SPOON SPOON SPOON”.

We all did this for several weeks (he had a gmail account) and that’s when he started losing his mind: every website he visited had ads for spoons and flatware! He thought google was reading his mind.

- beebhead

6. The Mouse


Whilst my friend and co-worker took a break one day I plugged a wireless mouse into the back of his computer. For the past two weeks I occasionally jog the mouse, and he’s slowly bring driven insane by it.

- Hypercolour

So there we go. What’s the best you can do? Let us know in the comments…

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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