1. Sex ed, if it existed, was torture
Even the purely biological stuff. Please separate us! END THIS SUFFERING.
2. Bodily functions were kept a little more private
We’re not saying period chat and farting contests were non-existent… just a bit less obvious.
3. Non-uniform days came with a lot of pressure
“Do you think Sam will fancy me more in my Susst flares, or my rip offs?”
4. You could sit beside your significant other in class…
Mixed sex schools were good to teenage romances.
5. But then everybody would know when you’d broken up
“Ooooh, Liam and Áine sitting at opposite sides of the room? SCANDAL.”
6. And there was a new drama every day
Which was stressful but – why lie? – entertaining.
7. Which, yes, could distract you from your studies
But no more than any drama in a single-sex school could be distracting. So there.
8. But the mix of genders could make it easier to just be yourself
No need to fit in with ALL the girls or ALL the boys.
9. You learned things about the opposite gender you’d just never know in a same-sex school
“Evening primrose oil is a remedy for period cramps? Girls are INTRIGUING.”
10. And by the end of it, you were able to actually talk to them like normal people
Imagine that!
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