IT MIGHT BE 2016, but it seems that some people still can’t grasp that the Republic of Ireland isn’t part of the UK.
Case in point? This unfortunate graphic from Mixmag.
Yesterday, the music magazine published an article asking how a proposed Brexit would affect UK ravers. (Er, niche take, guys.)
Unfortunately, the accompanying graphic features a giant circle around the UK and the entire island of Ireland, which is odd seeing as the Republic of Ireland is not debating whether or not to leave the European Union.
Irish readers were quick to correct them.
This morning, however, Mixmag made amends by issuing a rather excellent apology on behalf of the editor.
Many, many apologies to readers from the Republic of Ireland after our illustration conflated Eire with the United Kingdom. I can only imagine that we were thinking in terms of visual aesthetics instead of geographical and political reality, but there’s no excuse; as Editor I should have spotted it and corrected it. As a Scot of Irish descent living in London I know how important national identity is to all of us in these islands – and to Ireland especially in this of all years.
Tá brón orm and best of luck at the Euros.
You had us at “Tá brón orm.”