CONGRATULATIONS! YOU’VE SURVIVED another big one… another Monday.
When you woke up this morning you probably thought you’d never be happy again, that everyone was a shitehawk and that that this day would never end.
And look, you were wrong! You made it!
Here’s to getting through Monday… and the whole month of September!
And here’s why tomorrow is going to be a bloody great day…
1. Everyone that’s really serious about it will have seen the finale of Breaking Bad by tomorrow, so you’ll be able to talk about it
2. It’s the first of October tomorrow so the air will soon be crisp and the leaves will soon be crunchy
3. Crunchy leaves means more of this…
4. You can put on the heating without feeling guilty
5. You can light the fire every evening if you want
6. And sure stick on the electric blanket while you’re at it, it’s almost winter!
7. Great British Bake Off is on telly tomorrow, to help ease the Breaking Bad pain
8. Loads of other good telly is back too, like Parks and Recreation, Homeland and New Girl
9. Monday is almost over. You made it!