A MARKETING EXPERIMENT by an Irish website has found that a vast number of people on the streets of Dublin, given the opportunity, would say “no thanks” to free money.
FatCheese.ie is a cashback website, and its marketing department sent a man out around the city centre wearing a sandwich board which read:
If you ask me for a €5 note, you can have one.
He had €1000 in €5 to give away, and while he did manage to get rid of all the cash, 1400 people had to pass him before he reached his goal of empty pockets. Only 200 of them, or 15 per cent, approached the walking cash dispenser and asked him to pony up.
Suspicious, puzzled looks followed him everywhere he went, with most people looking too wary or too embarrassed to ask him for the free cash. Many who did ask gave the free fiver the once over, convinced that it was worthless. One man was sure he would be selling his soul to the devil himself, declaring “it’s obviously a set up of some kind”.
More fool you oh suspicious one, you could have bought yourself something lovely!