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9 of the most gloriously 1990s moments from last night's Moone Boy

It’s back – and it’s still perfectly 90s.

MOONE BOY RETURNED for its third season tonight, and it was in cracking form.

Of course, the episode was full of epic 90s nostalgia:

1. The car outside the Moone’s house still sums up the decade


The number plate alone tells you all you need to know.

2. Sean’s luggage embodies everything that was 90s travelling. No fancy wheels back then, oh no


And he got left out of the big trip to Dublin. How did this happen?

3. Not a selfie stick in sight – this portable camera sufficed


Padraic was just taking a photo of some “inner city crime”, as you do.

4. The heaviest phone ever bolted to the wall


Well, how else are you going to contact Bono? When Martin and Padraic make their way to Dublin to stay with Uncle Moone, of course they are going to see how big city folk communicate (and quickly realise that it sounds like everyone is a member of U2).

5. The jumper that set hearts racing


Dressing up for breakfast, Liam’s jumper and collared shirt combo was startlingly accurate for the era. When you go for an anniversary trip to the sunny South East, you have to make the effort.

6. Roller blades were still a legitimate way to get about the place


Combined with a neon outfit, naturally.

7. These classy suits were made for the big city


A trip up to Dublin in the 90s required some sort of formal wear. The lads’ stroll across the Ha’fpenny couldn’t have been smoother.

8. The old wireless in this guy’s kitchen


Look at it there. It has that mini-ghetto-blaster vibe that were a requirement for all 90s radios. Behold:


9. This wild party in the hotel room


Just survey the scene and it will tell you everything. The carpet, the clothes and that guy in a hat and sunglasses. How would you not enjoy yourself at that box social? Still, Liam’s cowboy shirt stole the show.

You can watch Moone Boy every Monday on Sky 1 at 9PM.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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