DON’T ASK ME why, but I’m infinitely fascinated by other people’s morning routines.
Since childhood, I’ve been curious about what other people get up to before they have to present themselves to the public.
In school, the smallest of differences between my routine and someone else’s would throw me for a loop.
“They eat their breakfast in front of cartoons while still in their pyjamas?” I’d muse. “What fresh hell is going on in that house?”
“Cmere, is it true that she does her homework at breakfast?” I’d ask, only dying for some details on your one’s morning routine.
This curiosity has somewhat intensified in adulthood because I’m constantly reading that the world’s most successful – or perhaps more importantly – most contented people are the ones who have really nailed their morning routine.
You know the sort; hot water and lemon, gym session, healthy breakfast, 10 minutes of meditation and then a full day in work.
It goes without saying that a stressful or disorganised morning gets you off to a pretty woeful start, and invariably leaks into the rest of your day, but how much importance do you place on your morning routine?
Do you prioritise sleep over a breakfast at home? Do you seamlessly work a gym session into your pre-work routine?
Or perhaps more specifically; do you regularly wish you made more of your mornings?