HAVE YOU HAD your breakfast?
Best to make sure it’s fully digested before you subject yourself to this extract from Morrissey’s first novel List of the Lost.
Hold us, dear readers. We have the bawks.
“clamorousrollercoaster coil”
“barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth”
“pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation”
“smacked its way in every muscle”
“central zone”
The sex writing is Not Good. The book, by all accounts, is also Not Good.
The Guardian warns:
Do not read this book; do not sully yourself with it, no matter how temptingly brief it seems.
The Daily Beast calls it a “bizarre, misogynistic ramble”.
Book critic Julic McDowell tweeted:
And the sex scene. Oh the sex scene…
And please, spare a thought for all the Elizas and Ezras out there: