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13 of the English language's most delightful collective nouns

A wunch of bankers?

OF ALL THE elements of the English language, the most delightful has got to be the collective noun.

When the word for a group of something is just right, it can be a real joy.

Like these, for example.  How many did you know already?

A cackle of hyenas

Baby Hyenas Source: bdu

An illusion of painters

Painter Source: photophilde

An impatience of wives

PGA TOUR Wives Association 2011 Source: Keith Allison

An ostentation of peacocks

peacock Source: Madison Berndt

A rascal of boys

Boy Scout Troop 351, San Juan Islands Source: USFWS Pacific

A sentence of judges

New Supreme Court Judges Source: Laura Hutton

A hand of bananas

Bananas (edited) Source: 24oranges.nl

A superfluity of nuns

Smoking nuns Source: Christophe Becker

A wunch of bankers

bankers Source: Mary Poppins

A flourish of blossoms

Blossom Source: Franck Mahon

A rhumba of rattlesnakes

Rattlesnake with nice pattern Source: Tambako the Jaguar

A babble of barbers

Barber Shop Source: Mr AT( Alec Trusler LRPS)

A shuffle of bureaucrats

Bureaucrats with Diego Rivera Murals - Secretaria de Educacion Publica (SEP) - Centro - Mexico City - Mexico Source: Adam Jones, Ph.D. - Global Photo Archive

Twitter was delighted at Claire Byrne’s return to Prime Time last night>

Woman enlists the help of an entire town to find guy she met in bar>

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