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9 of the most green-thumbed DailyEdge.ie comments in 2013

Your best work this year!

Source: Ktoine

THE YEAR IS at an end. The stories are written. The commenting is done.

And as part of our review of the most momentous events of 2013, we’ve been looking back over the most green-thumbed comments of the last 12 months.

Here are 9 of the top ranked comments, in reverse order:

9. This bleak outlook from Marc Metcalfe on this piece about ways you know you’re in your 30s:

A hangover lasts for 2 days

…winning a headache-inducing 1,677 green thumbs.

8. This gem from  Paul on this piece about the most mortifying moments in life:

I was driving my fathers car, saw an identical car coming round the bend. I said “look theres dad” and flashed and waved at the other driver (my father was beside in the passemger seat).

…winning a well-deserved 1,698 green thumbs.

Source: DailyEdge.ie

7. This angry threat from Albert McEinstein on this definitive ranking of the best chocolate bars in Ireland:

Ludicrous collection of selections.I have reported this article to the broadcasting complaints commission, the ombudsman, the gardai and will soon be talking to Joe.Not even a reference to a chomp!

… bagging 1,686 green thumbs.

6. This warm-hearted comment from Hank Tree on this piece about what a travelling Australian learned in Ireland:

I’m an American who has been in Ireland for the past 14 years, I love the people, their hospitality and their sense of worth. I’m proud to call ireland home now.

…earning 1,968 green thumbs.

Source: The Labour Party

5. This solid work from GrandDame on this piece about things that would seem totally reasonable… anywhere except Ireland

Not thanking the bus driver

…winning 2,125 green thumbs.

4. This expression of puzzlement from Mary on this piece about things everyone did in primary school in Ireland:

I never knew mala was called marla?

…striking a chord with 2,130 green thumbs. (No conclusive answer as yet.)

3. This inspired pun from Padraig Stapleton on this story about the woman who failed in her attempt to sue Copper Face Jacks after injuring herself falling over on the dance floor:

It just goes to show, never, ever, drink and jive.

…winning 2,150 green thumbs.

2. This solid observation from Linda Nolan on this piece on this piece about things in life which are mildly infuriating:

Packets of ham that have “peel here” you CANNOT peel here! Or resealable! No its NOT resealable

…claiming 2,413 green thumbs.


Source: Complex

1. And this expression of fear from Richard on this piece about the greatest wi-fi network names:

Damn some of those are great!And I still don’t know how to dougie or even know what it is… I’m reluctant to Google it after the whole lemon party fiasco!

…winning a total of 3,528 green thumbs.

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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