1. When Linda Martin *schooled* Daft Punk with her performance of Get Lucky on The Saturday Night Show
“I’ll show those robot bastards.”
- Linda, probably
2. When Nadine Coyle told the most brazen lie in Irish history
3. When Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz went to the cinema in Liffey Valley Shopping Centre
4. Who can forget when Kim and Kanye went to the cinema in Portlaoise?
5. When Twink coined the phrase “crying like walruses”
And revealed that she owned dogs named…
Teddy Bear, JJ McNamara, Peanut Sheridan, Rita Kelly, Mary Agnew and Rosie Kinnitty.
6. When international feminist icons Pussy Riot couldn’t mask their disdain for Brendan O’Connor on The Saturday Night Show
7. When Paul from Fade Street told everyone to “f**k off” at Oxegen 2010
8. When Pat Kenny called Celine Dion “a wonderful chanteuse” during the Eurovision and was frankly delighted with himself
9. When Bruce Springsteen inexplicably went bowling in… Stillorgan
On one of the nicest days of the year, no less.
10. When Woody Harrelson played bingo with Keith Barry in Waterford City
11. When Damien Rice and Renée Zellweger were spotted walking around a Supervalu in Celbridge
Or so the legend goes.
12. When Brian McFadden sent the greatest series of tweets ever
13. When Tom met Pat
14. And Dave
15. And Michael D.
16. When Barry Egan kindly informed the nation that he never did coke with his friend Nigella Lawson
Thanks for clearing that up, Baz.
17. When Anne Doyle and Brendan O’Connor lobbed the gob on Don’t Feed The Gondolas