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10 of the most Knock Airport things that have ever happened

Oh from Fatima to Bethlehem from Lourdes to Kiltimagh…

THE BEST AIRPORT in this country bar none. Fight us.

1. This photo of Liam Gallagher holding a Mayo for Sam t-shirt there

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He was visiting his family in Charlestown. Isn’t Knock fierce handy for it?

2. And Chris O’Dowd

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It seems to be a tradition to force celebrities visiting the airport to hold this t-shirt. Poor Chris is from Roscommon, it must be tearing him apart.

3. The time Leonard Cohen flying in was headline news

leonardcohen Source: Ireland West Airport Knock

He was presented with a book about airport founder Monsignor James Horan, which we are sure he read cover to cover.

4. This duty free selection

Where would you be going with a Toblerone? A pack of Fig Rolls will do them.

5. And this one

Because you couldn’t subject yourself to Heinz, even on your holidays.

6. This pre-flight meal

Curry chips and Cidona. Grand stuff.

7. These lunch options

“Just Ham.” “Simply Beef.” “Plain Cheese.” No fuss, as God intended.

8. This story about two emigrants finding love

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As per the Knock Airport Facebook page:

In January 2012 Stephen Reilly met a girl while in a queue at Ireland West Airport Knock, they were both returning to London after the Christmas holidays and getting on the same Ryanair flight. He sat bedside her on the plane, they swapped phone numbers before getting off the flight and now in just over 3 weeks they will be getting married.

9. This little museum dedicated to Monsignor Horan

For your perusal while you wait for your flight.

10. And that time they made an actual musical based on his life

on a wing Source: wingandprayermusical.com

It was, naturally, a huge hit in the county and beyond. Don’t knock Knock until you’ve tried it.

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More: 14 of the most Dublin Airport things that have ever happened>

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